How to Create Fertility Without Buying Fertilizer
There is a common misconception in the farming world that’s harming your profits and potentially your future. We’re led to believe – in increasingly clever and technical ways – that we need fertilisers in order to increase the productivity of pasture or meadow. But just as humans aren’t ‘statin deficient’ when they have a heart attack; grasslands aren’t ‘fertiliser deficient’ if their performance is poor.
Gabe Brown: Keys to Building a Healthy Soil
This video features Gabe Brown and his Keys To Building a Healthy Soil, filmed on Nov. 18th 2014 at the Idaho Center for Sustainable Agriculture’s annual symposium.
Dr. Elaine Ingham on soil biology and weeds
Dr. Elaine Ingham gives some amazing insights into Biological Farming, Weeds, how pH determines ammonium vs ammonia, and much more!
Life in Syntropy
Brazillian farmer Ernst Gotsch bought 1200 acres in 1984. he worked with nature to transform the land into an incredibly biodiverse working farm capable of feeding people while also helpring reverse climate change through sequestering carbon and important for changing the industrial agriculture model making good money for his efforts.
No-till Farmers Elizabeth and Paul Kaiser Keynote
Paul and Elizabeth Kaiser of Singing Frogs Farm in Sebastapol, California, were the keynote speakers for the 30th annual NOFA/Mass Winter Conference – January 14, 2017. Their vegetable farm is not just sustainable – it’s also regenerative. It is a living experiment in no-till, ecologically beneficial, and highly profitable farm – producing 5-7 harvest per year. Since 2007 the Kaisers have been successfully demonstrating how to produce high volume, high quality vegetables in an inspiring no-till system. At Singing Frogs Farm, Paul and Elizabeth, along with their crew, have honed their skills and created a dedicated ecological farm, where they do not use sprays of any kind.
They came with a message – that agriculture has been one of the greatest contributors to climate change in human history, but it is also our best hope for mitigating climate change. The Kaiser’s assert that by adapting their practices to sequester more soil carbon, farmers can simultaneously improve the health of their crops, soil, and finances.
Dr. Elaine Ingham’s talk “The Roots of Your Profits”
This is a detailed and practical look at how to work with soil microbiology to make your crops flourish without fertilizers or external inputs.
Hybrid Thinking – 4 approaches to guide us through the 21st century
Arndt Pechstein argues that we as humanity are facing the largest change in history: our exponentially developing world. Since he is a neuroscientist, he knows our brain is wired to think and thus make our predictions based on linear assumptions. That is why we need – he argues – a new approach to be able to manage the challenges of our era. A new approach he calls Hybrid Thinking.
Dr Christine Jones TV One Rural Delivery Interview
Christine Jones has been presenting seminars to farmers around Australia, highlighting the importance of ‘biological farming’ as a way of increasing soil fertility, thereby improving the mineral content and health benefits of all plants grown for food, be they for grazing animals or fruit and vegetable for humans. She also points out the potential value of increasing soil carbon as a result of farmers changing to biological farming, something we here at Nitrosol have been doing for the past 23 plus years.
Dry farming
This is why agriculture can never be sustainable:
What good soil aggregates look like
Image is from here.
Solutions beneath our feet
His Permaculture Garden Needs ONLY 2 Days of Work a year
Cliff of Spiral Ridge Permaculture show us his Permaculture Forest Garden (takes just 2 days of maintenance per year). Plus, his OFF contour swales, agroforest, Pig/Goat operation and permaculture ducks!
Against the odds: Reversing desertification in arid and semi arid lands
Tony Rinaudo talks at the Tenth International Permaculture Conference (Sept 2011) in Amman, Jordan, about the massively positive impact Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) has had on the world, and his vision to see the benefits of FMNR enjoyed by a great many more yet.
An alternative vision to the industrial medical complex
Podcast: Creatively responding to a crisis | Rob Avis
“My guest today is Rob Avis, a permaculture practitioner from Calgary, Canada, and one of the founders of Verge Permaculture. He joined me during the Covid-19 pandemic to discuss what we can do to creatively respond to this and other crises. This includes our role as teachers and leaders while others are struggling for security, […] The post Creatively Responding to a Crisis | Rob Avis appeared first on The Permaculture Podcast.”